Bibby Gignilliat had stopped painting years ago because she had a critical teacher who made her feel like she was talentless. So she spent years as a computer programmer, worked in adventure travel, and even ran her own cooking business. By all measures of success, she was successful. She continuously pushed her dream of being… [watch here]
Bibby Gignilliat is an artist and educator who drew upon her creativity to become successful in a diversity of professions, from computer programming to culinary arts, before returning to her childhood passion for painting. [watch here]
Check out my 9 page spread in this issue of Contemporary College Magazine! [read more]
Ep. 57 - How Surrender Fuels Creativity: Navigating Art, Business, & Uncertainty with Bibby Gignilliat [listen here]
When I was age 10, I loved painting. Every Saturday, I walked a mile to take a class at the Art League in Oak Park, Il [read more here]

Thank you to Marin Magazine for featuring my piece Comfort Zone in the November issue along with other ICB artists who are part of the deYoung Open Exhibit. Page 26. [read more here]

"Like Wescover, Bibby makes sure to show her work in context. This allows clients to envision the work in their own spaces. She will even photoshop a given piece into your home to make sure you love it before purchasing.." [read more here]

"Bibby has a spacious, light-filled studio in this historic artist-filled building and she shares it with anyone who wants to..." [read more here]

My studio was featured in this month's Uppercase Magazine!

"Gignilliat has stepped into her art career with the same zest and creative passion that she brought to her earlier business ventures..."

These changes also affect smaller markets like Marin’s. “I think the whole way the art world has worked is shifting,” says local artist Bibby Gignilliat. [read more here]

"Tucked away on the Sausalito waterfront, a vibrant community of artists is hard at work, preparing to invite visitors to their eclectic space for an upcoming open studios tour..." [read more here]

Artist Interview
Artist interview "Bibby Gignilliat in Conversation with Nicholas Wilton"